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- >7 Toys and Developmental Games for Toddlers from 0 to 2 Years Old

7 Toys and Developmental Games for Toddlers from 0 to 2 Years Old
Toys are much more than mere entertainment for babies and young children; they are essential for their sensory, motor, and cognitive development.
In this article, we share a selection of toys and developmental games for your babies and children from 0 to 2 years old.
But first, we present the different stages of child development from 0 to 2 years and how toys and interactions with parents can support and enrich this development.
Toys and Developmental Games for Babies from 0 to 6 Months
The first months of your baby's life are crucial for awakening their senses and encouraging the development of their motor skills.
During this period of discovery, play mats, with their textures and contrasting colors, provide an ideal play area to stimulate your little one's sight, hearing, and touch. Musical mobiles are also perfect for awakening their listening skills and encourage visual tracking, while rattles introduce cause and effect and the grasping reflex.
But beyond these toys, it's your interaction, your voice, your touch, and your smile that remain the most precious and affectionate stimuli to awaken your baby to the world around them. By playing with them, you strengthen your bond and provide them with the necessary foundations to explore and grow in confidence.
Trick Atlas
Your baby's awakening evolves rapidly during the first 6 months. Initially, your presence and interactions are their favorite toys. This is when they find immense comfort and interest in your face and voice.
Around 4 months, toys take on a new importance. So consider introducing toys that encourage active grasping — such as rattles with attractive shapes and soft toys that can be squeezed or shaken — to foster discovery through play and manipulation.
Toys and Developmental Games for Babies from 6 Months to 1 Year
Between 6 months and 1 year, your baby transforms into a curious little explorer hungry for learning. Their motor skills refine, as does their curiosity about the world around them. This is the perfect time to introduce sensory books that, with their textures and hidden sounds, awaken their hearing and touch.
At this age, mirrors are very intriguing; even if they don't recognize themselves yet, they enjoy observing movements and expressions. Pretend games take off: your child will imitate you by waving "hello", clapping hands, or even attempting to babble words.
These activities are not only fun, they also teach coordination, cause and effect, and reinforce cognitive development through repetition and exploration.
Toys and Developmental Games for Children from 1 to 2 Years
As your child progresses from 1 to 2 years old, they enter a phase of active discovery. Their gross motor skills improve every day: they run, climb, and explore with boundless energy. To channel this energy and encourage learning, consider homemade obstacle courses, which will help stimulate their agility and spatial perception.
Construction games are also useful for further developing their fine motor skills and problem-solving abilities, while providing immense satisfaction when they see a tower rise, even if it collapses shortly after.
Also, introduce artistic activities, such as drawing or painting, to nurture their creativity and hand-eye coordination. These games are not only entertaining, they also prepare your child for future learning by reinforcing basic skills in a playful manner.
Choosing the Right Toy for the Age
The age indicated on toys is not just a suggestion; it's a guide to ensure the safety and appropriate development of your child. A toy that is too advanced can lead to frustration and discourage play, while a toy that is too simple can be boring.
Be sure to select toys that represent a challenging yet achievable task for your child, to promote their development and maintain their interest. A good balance between safety, education, and fun is key to enriching their play experience.
Atlas Tip
Keep your child's toys fresh and captivating with the rotation technique. Set aside some toys for a while, then reintroduce them later; their appeal will be renewed. Organize toys into categories and alternate them to continuously stimulate your little one's curiosity and engagement.
Our Selection of Toys and Developmental Games
The Micasso Teething Mitten
- Category: Awakening
- Age: 3 months and up
Is your baby teething? The Micasso Teething Mitten is the ideal solution. Made from food-grade silicone, it is safe, hygienic, and perfect for soothing sore gums. Easy to wear, it entertains and comforts your child.
The Malarkey Teething Cube
- Category: Awakening
- Age: 3 months and up
Give your child the Malarkey Teething Cube to stimulate their senses while soothing their gums. With its soft texture and rounded edges, it's perfect for little hands to explore, chew, and discover.
Tummy Time Activity Book
- Category: Development
- Age: from birth
Encourage your baby's motor development with the Tummy Time Activity Book. Its colorful and interactive pages stimulate vision, touch, and hearing, strengthening muscles while providing educational entertainment.
Fabric Jungle Book
- Category: Development
- Age: 3 months and up
Immerse your baby in a world of adventure with the Fabric Jungle Book. Its varied textures, vibrant colors, and interactive activities, such as peek-a-boo, stimulate sensory awareness and your child's natural curiosity.
Corolle Sailor Baby Doll
- Category: Doll
- Age: 18 months and up
The Corolle Sailor Baby Doll is more than just a toy; she becomes a companion for your child, joining them in the water and turning every bath into a moment of joy and learning, while encouraging pretend play.
Elphee Shape Sorter Box
- Category: Development
- Age: 12 months and up
The Elphee Shape Sorter Box is an excellent tool for developing your child's fine motor skills. Its sturdy design and geometric shapes to sort engage thinking and hand-eye coordination, while being fun to manipulate.
Mushie Pop Squeeze Toy
- Category: Awakening
- Age: from birth
The Mushie Squeeze Toy is perfect for curious hands. With its soothing colors and squeeze bubbles, it offers sensory and motor exploration, stimulating your little one's creativity and dexterity.
The Importance of Toy Selection
Choosing the right toys and developmental games for your babies and children from 0 to 2 years old is crucial for their awakening and development. After all, these play tools are not just for entertainment; they help build sensory, motor, and cognitive foundations. By opting for toys suitable for each stage of their growth, you contribute to giving them an excellent start in life.
Looking for more toy and developmental game ideas for your babies and children from 0 to 2 years old?
Browse our Toys section!